Massage in Hillsboro

Massage in Hillsboro and chiropractic care are known to work well in tandem together, and at WellCore Health and Chiropractic we are firm believers that the two fit together like hand and glove. As part of our commitment to overall wellness, we believe that chiropractic and massage are important elements of that wellness.

Let’s go over a few examples of why massage and chiropractic are so intertwined:

  • It’s important to keep in mind that massage and chiropractic both deal with components of the body’s skeletal system in a complementary manner. Chiropractors work with the nervous system, including the alignment of the vertebral column in addition to other joints in the body. On the other hand, Hillsboro massage therapists primarily deal with the musculoskeletal system. Because chiropractic is more focused on the nervous and skeletal systems, and massage therapy is more focused on the muscular and skeletal systems, massage therapy can actually extend the benefits for patients after they receive a chiropractic adjustment.
  • Massage is either before or after adjustment helps decrease muscle tension and increases flexibility, meaning there are longer sustained benefits post-adjustment.
  • Along those same lines, a chiropractic adjustment can make the benefits of a massage last longer. Patients who get massage without an adjustment often experience just temporary relief of systems, whereas those who combine the two have better results.
We Are Here For You

At WellCore Health and Chiropractic, our goal is to not only ease pain but to help our patients achieve greater overall wellness.